How Do You Android is deeply troubled that two articles in a row cover new phone releases. If this troubles you deeply, you may ask, why not choose a different topic?
Because I have big news... excruciatingly big news: A phone manufacturer has announced a new phone.
...Anticlimactically put, no?
March 14, 2013 is poised to go down in history as the day the Apple empire came crashing down, thanks to the unveiling taking place that day, in iconic New York City.
...Now we're looking at melodramatic, as well as highly unlikely.
Yes, the next next big thing is coming -- the Samsung Galaxy S IV. We know nothing at all about it, currently. Rumors aren't even giving us much to go on... probably some advances in mobile payments through NFC (Near Field Communication -- meaning you need only walk by Starbucks in order to spend $6 on coffee), a 360-degree camera (360? how on earth...), and the possibility of a central new syncing program attempting to rival iTunes.
Do you find it amusing that Samsung officially announced its official announcement? The event is taking place in NYC this time (while the S3 was released in London), on March 14 -- at that point we hope to hear some specs.
While I expect, in order to form a valid opinion of it, to get a hold of an S4 at some point, I plan to stick with the Nexus 4, for actual use, a while longer. The true reason is shamefully far from techy: the glass back of the Nexus 4 allows me to put a skin under the bumper case, and I really like this skin.